Corpoate Social Responsibility

Our Work with USAID & UN Women

Investing in the wellbeing of our staff has been a key part of our growth and expansion as a company. So when we were asked to be involved in a UN project supporting women in the workplace we instantly took the opportunity.Two years ago we signed the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) and adopted and operationalized several initiatives in favor of women workers and employees, the objective of this program is to shed light on the private sector’s contribution to the advancement of women’s status whether at the workplace and/or the supply chains through the engagement and participation with UN Women project (WEPP).

Water Purification Projects

In an effort to give back to the local communities that have supported us for years. Green Egypt took on several Water purification projects for villages neighboring our farms. Several water purification stations have been built that we continue to maintain to this day.


The vast majority of laborers at Green Egypt pack houses are women. In Giza where our packhouse is located, the women are brought up in a culture that prohibits married women to continue working after marriage as they are expected to care for the children. This was resulting in the loss of a lot of experienced women laborers.

We decided to build a nursery at our Giza pack house so that mothers with young children could still support their families. This would allow women to come to work while their children In addition to retaining our women workers, this decision encouraged other women who had left work to come work at Green Egypt. The nursery has helped improve productivity while also having a positive impact on the community.

Irrigation Methods

96% of Egypt Egypt landmass is desert, making water a scarce and coveted resource. In an effort of sustainability at Green Egypt we are very conscious of our water usage. In an effort to minimize water usage all of our farms are either drip irrigation or pivot irrigation.